Our Story
At the age of 72, Aldo Werjutina is Australia’s oldest apprentice plumber.
Based on his experiences tackling countless blocked S bends and malodorous toilet bowls he has reinvented the humble toilet brush with the help of his best mate of 30 years, cray fisherman Joe Pittorini.
It was a conversation over a few beers that got the odd couple buddies thinking about designing the ultimate toilet brush.
“I was talking about the seriously dirty dunnies you face as a plumber and how somebody should invent a toilet brush that actually works, and it grew from there,” said Aldo.

Armed with some initial sketches, Aldo and Joe pitched their revolutionary loo cleaning tool to Edward Khoury at Form Designs.
The leading industrial design sees hundreds of ‘big ideas’ every year but knew Aldo and Joe were onto a winner.
“I am the office toilet cleaner so I could immediately relate to a new brush that could reach where no toilet brush had ever reached before,” he said.
After months of planning and testing and thousands of flushes the Loogeenie was born.
Aldo and Joe recently launched the Loogeenie on Kickstarter and the response has been overwhelming.